
The Person and the Challenges 2014 t. 4 nr 2


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Mirosław Łanoszka , The Relationship between God and Israel as a Biblical Portrayal of the Bond between God and the Person in the Light of Deuteronomy 1:1–4:43
Stanko Gerjolj , Biblische Familien als Herausforderung für die Erziehung heute (Biblical Families as a Challenge for Contemporary Education)
Mirosław S. Wróbel , The Rabbinic Anti-Gospel in the Context of the Polemic between the Synagogue and the Church
Karol Klauza , A Semiotic Interpretation of Pope John Paul II’s Pilgrimage to Israel on 21–26 March 2000
Stanisław Fel, Magdalena Zdun , Judaism and Economics: The Link between Judaism and Economic Life
Agnieszka Ilwicka , Grand Illusion? The Phenomenon of Jewish Life in Poland after the Holocaust in Lower Silesia
Jerzy Kostorz , Introducing Teenagers to a Dialogue with Judaism as the Task of School Catechesis
Robert Biel , Der christlich-jüdische Dialog im polnischen Kontext (The Christian-Jewish Dialogue in Polish Context)
Alicja Janiak, Alina Rynio , Topicality and Relevance of Janusz Korczak’s Pedagogical Approach to Children and Their Upbringing
Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden , Theocentrism in Edith Stein’s (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross’s) Late Anthropology
Carl-Mario Sultana , Radio and the Church – a Historical Glance
Józef Stala , Geistig behinderte Kinder religiös erziehen – Herausforderungen an Pädagogik und Katechese (Religious Upbringing of a Child with Intellectual Disability – Pedagogical and Catechetical Challenges)
Leszek Rojowski , La scelta missionaria nell’attività del consiglio pastorale parrocchiale (The Missionary Choice in the Activity of Parish Pastoral Council)

Piotr Chruścielski , Die Gedenkstätte Stutthof. Wenn die Zeitzeugen stumm werden…
Tomasz Kranz , The Pedagogy of Remembrance as a Form of Museum Education
Julius Scharnetzky , Die KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg – ein Ort des Gedenkens, der Begegnung und des historischen Lernens

Agata Sowińska , Review: “Integral Nursery Education in E. Bojanowski’s System of Education – Continuation and Change” by Sister M. Opiela

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