
The Person and the Challenges 2016 t. 6 nr 2


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  • Carl‑Mario Sultana, Educating through Communities of Practice
  • Elżbieta Osewska, Religious Education as Accompanying: from Superficiality to Spirituality to Personal Acquaintance with God Incarnate
  • Dorota Gorska, E‑learning in Higher Education
  • Ireneusz Stolarczyk, Migration: Dangers and Opportunities for the Family in the Light of John Paul II’s Messages for World Migrant Day
  • Tanja Pate, Families of Children with Chronic Illness and the Relational Family Model
  • Timothy Hynes, Postmodernism and the Church: An Opportunity and a Challenge
  • Magdalena Butrymowicz, Human Dignity in Law – A Case Study of the Polish Legal System

Reports, forum

  • Jozef Stala, H. H. Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Heller – Doktor honoris causa der Päpstlichen Universität Johannes Paul II. in Krakau
  • Jozef Stala, Bericht über die XIII. internationale Wissenschaftskonferenz: „Der Weltjugendtag. Ursprung und Entwicklung der Idee” Krakau, 1. und 2. April 2016
  • Jozef Stala, Bericht über die XVI. gesamtpolnische Wissenschaftskonferenz „Ihr Jugendlichen, Euch gehört die Zukunft (Parati Semper 1). In der Vorbereitung auf den Weltjugendtag”, Tarnów, 24. Mai 2016

Congress EEC

  • Enzo Biemmi, Conversion. Theme of the Congress
  • Testimonies
  • Grazia Papola, A Biblical Story of Conversion: the Book of Jonah
  • Giuseppe Laiti, EEC, Congress of Celje, 27th May – 1st June 1, 20 Conversion. The Act, the Process and Accompaniment. Stories of conversion in the first centuries of the church. What is conversion?
  • Roland Lacroix, Conversion to the Christian faith today
  • Francois‑Xavier Amherdt, The (Second) Catechetical Conversion and Pastoral Care: an Easter Action
  • Luciano Meddi, The Spirituality of Conversion
  • Roland Lacroix, Conversion – The Act, the Process and Accompaniment
  • Stijn Van den Bossche, The Équipe Européenne de Catéchčse
  • Carl‑Mario Sultana, EEC Congress 2015 – Celje Slovenia
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