Spis treści
7 Rev. Adam Kubiś
Early Christian prophetesses in the New Testament
31 Rev. Stanisław Dyk
The synthesis of the Gospel and life as a goal of evangelization
51 Rev. Leszek Szewczyk
Preaching the Word of God in the Polish synodal synthesis
69 Rev. Henryk Sławiński
Preparing a homily as an important element of pastoral care
89 Ryszard Hajduk CSsR
The truth about man and for man.Practical implications
of John Paul II’s encyclical “Fides et ratio”
111 Cezary Smuniewski
The vein of gold. In search of a methodological renewal
of dogmatics based on the reading of Lech Wołowski’s
book entitled “The problematics of paradox in the thought
of Henri de Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar”
131 Rev. Maciej Szczepaniak
The nomination of Rev. Kazimierz Rolewski as bishop
of Katowice and the reasons for the refusal
153 Rev. Bartosz Trojanowski
John Paul II and Benedict XVI’s concern for the protection of
the faithful against the most serious crimes, with particular
emphasis on the sexual abuse of minors committed by clergy
Polonia Sacra 2024 t. 28 nr 2
52,00 zł
Availability: Na stanie
Ilość stron | 196 |
Miejsce wydania | Kraków |
Rok wydania | 2024 |
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