
The Person and the Challenges 2020 t. 10 nr 2


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Barbara Simonič, Christian Gostečnik, Tanja Repič Slavič, Saša Poljak Lukek, Robert Cvetek, Tanja Pate, Tanja Valenta, Vulnerability in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Light of Relational Trauma

Carl-Mario Sultana, COVID-19. A Catechetical-Experiential Reading

Renata Chrzanowska, Remote Teaching of Religious Education in Polish Schools as a Form of Evangelization and Catechesis during the Epidemic Threat

Beata Bilicka, Professional Advancement of RE Teachers in the Context of the Challenges of the Information Society

Urszula Gruca-Miąsik, Magdalena Parzyszek, Stefan Wyszyński’s Personalistic Vision of Upbringing

Karanja Peter Kamau, Young People and Discernment of Vocations According to the Teachings of Saint John Paul II

Grzegorz Wachol, Pastoral Communities Based on a Model of Self-Help Groups as a Response of the Church to the Contemporary Social Changes

Dariusz Oko, Objectivity as  the Fruit of Authentic Subjectivity

Waldemar Cisło, Persecution of Christians

Olgierd Sebastian Nowak, Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto – the imperative of the principle of humanitas in views on slavery derived from  natural law. M.T. Cicero’s views on the subject of slavery and slaves

Andrzej Zwoliński, Accusation of Sin or Tolerance? From Christian Thought on Tolerance

Marcin Majewski, Repetition and not Parallelism as the Determinant of Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. A Case Study of Biblical Story of Creation (Gen 1)

Stanisław Garnczarski, Lauda Sion, Salvatorem Sequence and its Polish Translations
in the Source Songbooks


Mariusz Boguszewski, Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Prize of the Primate of the Millennium for 2019

Józef Stala, Bericht über die gesamtpolnische Konferenz: „Rodzina – Wychowanie – Przyszłość” (Familie – Erziehung – Zukunft) und die Hauptversammlung der Polnischen Gesellschaft für Familiologie, Päpstliche Universität Johannes Paul II., Krakau, 27. Februar 2020


Dariusz Oko, Gerard J. M. van den Aardweg, Die Wissenschaft sagt NEIN. Der Betrug der Homo-„Ehe“. Lichtzeichen Verlag GmbH, Lage 2019, Das englische Original 2015, Übersetzung: Doris C. Leisering

Rafał Pokrywiński, Review: Adam Bujak, Waldemar Cisło, “Tragedia Aleppo” (“Tragedy of Aleppo”), Biały Kruk 2017

Rafał Pokrywiński, Review: Fr. Waldemar Cisło, “Imigranci u bram. Kryzys uchodźczy i męczeństwo chrześcijan XXI w.” (Immigrants at the gates. The refugee crisis and martyrdom of 21st century Christians). Interviewed by Paweł Stachnik, Biały Kruk: Kraków 2017

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